Healthy Corner is an independent specialty pharmacy. We cater to community needs. Our experience includes catering to patients with Leukemia Lymphoma, Bone Marrow Transplants, Kidney, Pancreas and Liver Transplants. Pediatric. Specialize in compounding. Cardiology, Oncology.
We team with our PATIENTS to improve their health and their lives through drug therapies and personal service.
Our PRESCRIBERS trust us to deliver the best outcomes by delivering the best care available in the most efficient manner available.
To our PARTNERS we are at the forefront of modern healthcare, bringing innovation, clarity, and passion to everything we do.
Our team of specialty pharmacists provides patients with a seamless experience by helping to:
Ensure appropriate medication utilization and medication compliance
- Offering targeted condition education and Disease Therapy Management
- Offering patient support and education on controlling side effects
- Specialized handling and distribution of medications
We offer a comprehensive Specialty Care Management Program that will enable patients to achieve optimal outcomes from their specialty medication therapies while effectively managing costs.
We offer a comprehensive Specialty Care Management Program that will enable patients to achieve optimal outcomes from their specialty medication therapies while effectively managing costs.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a lifelong disease that weakens the immune system and interferes with the body’s ability to fight off infections.
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Transplant is a major surgery that requires immunosuppressive medications to prevent organ rejection.
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Oncology treatment can be complex and requires interaction and coordination between prescribers, patients, caregivers, and payors.
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- Personalized case review and managed prior authorization
- Step therapy
- Quality dose review
- Dose optimization
- Drug Utilization Review
- Co-Pay Assistance Program
Utilization management evaluates the appropriateness, clinical need, and efficiency of prescription medications based on established criteria or guidelines. Our programs aim to provide outreach, education, and comprehensive guidance to physicians on national, peer-reviewed guidelines.
Specialty trained staff members will work with patients to discuss a treatment plan and address and questions or concerns they may have.
Working directly with patients, caregiver, or provider to ensure that medications are delivered as scheduled and temperature controlled to ensure proper administration. We offer fast and convenient delivery to the patient’s house, workplace or other preferred location.
- All refrigerated medications will be delivered overnight. Non-refrigerated medications will be delivered/mailed within 2 days at no additional cost.
- Tracking shipments to ensure successful delivery.
- Calling patients when a delivery attempt is unsuccessful.
- Distributing of Welcome Packet and patient educational materials.
- Free educational materials sent to both patients and providers.
- Proactive refill reminders by phone to encourage compliance
- Provider is called if compliance issue is identified